Palubný displej s vysokou viditeľnosťou, GPS rýchlomer

41,60 Eur s DPH
Recyklačný poplatok zahrnutý v cene.

Kód produktu

Skladom! - Produkty skladom objednané do 12H odosielame spravidla nasledujúci pracovný deň!
(10 sada na sklade)

The system with display, while driving, projects speed and compass data into the driver's field of view on the dashboard. The system is only connected to power and calculates its own speed according to the GPS.



- During driving, the display shows speed and compass in the driver's field of view

- warning display: speeding

- the brightness of the display changes automatically depending on the ambient light conditions

- automatic on/off

- digit height 20 mm


Technical parameters

- supply voltage: 12V

- power consumption: 250mA

- compatibility with all cars

- units: km / miles

- dimensions: diameter 60 depth 45 mm